Check this item to export the image content of your PDF including those marked with Image Box annotations. Either Text Output or Image Output (or both) must always be enabled.

  • Format pop-up menu
     PDF Pro 2 supports a range of image formats: JPEG, TIFF, BMP and PNG. Each of these formats has different properties and is suitable for a different purpose.
    • PNG – best for graphics and diagrams with clean lines
    • JPEG – best for photographs
    • TIFF – supports CMYK which may give improved colour fidelity when converting magazine and newspaper pictures.
    • TIFF (multi-page) – will place all images within the same file. You will need a TIFF viewer capable of handling multi-image files in order to view these correctly.
  • Convert each page into an image
    Check this option to render the contents of each page. When checked, text output is disabled since the entire contents of each page will be contained in the image file(s) produced.
  • Place images in sub-folders
    This option causes images files to be stored in a sub folder named images. This also affects the path used in the IMG tag for HTML output.