Press the Format button when exporting PDF content and switch to the Text tab.

Use the settings on this panel to control the way text is output in all formats. Additional settings which affect only HTML output are grouped separately in the HTML settings panel.

The options in the this tab are placed into two sub-groups named Text Flow and Text Appearance. This is simply to make the panel a little easier to read.

Text Flow

  • Identify image captions
    Selecting this option will cause PDF Pro 2 to identify image captions and output them along with images, rather than in the main body of text. If image output is selected and the image format supports it (TIFF, JPEG, PNG), captions will also be embedded within the image data.
  • Try to preserve layout
    In all text formats except ePub, this option causes PDF Pro 2 to position words as closely as possible to the original page layout. The way in which the positioning is achieved depends upon the output format used.
    • Plain text with the layout retained should be viewed without line wrapping in a mono-spaced font (such as Courier). Simple HTML will be formatted as with plain text using letter spacing to position page elements.
    • HTML 3 and 4 use tables to position page elements. HTML 4 CSS uses the absolute positioning functionality available with CSS2.

With all output formats there may be some deviation from the original document layout requiring a degree of manual adjustment.

  • Render text in vector artwork
    When enabled, text will be included in rendered artwork, but not in the normal text output stream. When not selected, the converse is true. That is, text will not appear in rendered artwork but will appear in the text output stream.
    If you find that some text you expected to see in your output is missing, check to see if this options is enabled.
  • Recognize Speech Marks
    When Preserve Line Break is off, PDF Pro 2 attempts to reflow text into paragraphs. The process is fairly reliable but may occasionally make mistakes.
    However, when it comes to reported speech of the kind that may be found in a conversation in a novel, it is vital that the correct line breaks are retained; in speech, the line break is the reader’s main indication of a change in speaker.
    When this option is on, PDF Pro 2 pays particular attention to quotation marks, especially those at the beginning of a line or paragraph. The result is that it is much more successful in retaining these important line breaks.
    When processing documents unlikely to contain any reported speech, it is best to disable this option.
  • Preserve line breaks
    Selecting this option will ensure that PDF Pro 2 honours all line breaks in the original document. Furthermore, it will stop PDF Pro 2 from removing hyphenation.
    Enabling this option can make editing the output more difficult since lines of text will not reflow after insertions or deletions. However, it may improve the appearance if layout is important.
  • De-hyphenate Words
    When enabled, PDF Pro 2 will rejoin words split by a hyphen at the end of a line. Words with hard hyphens such as “442-squadron” are not altered.
    To help in making the decision to leave or remove hyphens, PDF Pro 2 consults the language dictionary currently selected for spell checking (see “Spelling preferences”). However, should a particular word be unknown in the dictionary or be in a different language, it is possible the software may take a wrong decision.
    When disabled, PDF Pro 2 does not remove any hyphens, and words will remain split as they are in the original document.
    When Try to preserve layout or Preserve Line Breaks is enabled, word de-hyphenation is automatically disabled.

Text Appearance

  • Create file for every page / article
    Causes PDF Pro 2 to output each page to a separate file. When outputting to HTML output files will be hyperlinked together. It is not applicable to ePub output which always produces a single file.
    When outputting article threads, PDF Pro 2 will place each article in a separate file.
  • Hyperlinks
    If PDF Pro 2 detects any embedded hypertext links within a PDF, it will try to retain these in the output. This is not possible for plain-text output.
  • Bookmarks
    When enabled, PDF Pro 2 will retain a document’s bookmarks as hypertext destinations in all but plain text output modes.
    When disabled, no bookmarks will be output.
  • Page Breaks
    When enabled, PDF Pro 2 will output the given text at the end of each page produced. For HTML for example, <HR> may be used as a simple page break.