Check this item to export the text content of your PDF. Either Text Output or Image Output (or both) must always be enabled.

  • Format pop-up menu
     PDF Pro 2 supports a varied range of text output formats, including a set of HTML-based formats, plain text and RTF for use with Microsoft Word and other applications.
     PDF Pro 2 can also export table data in SYLK format but only when clicking on a table that has been marked up with a Table Box annotation (see Exporting in isolation).
    • Plain Text
      ASCII text, readable with any text editor or word processor. When layout is retained using this format, spaces are inserted to ensure words and paragraphs are placed into the right location.
    • RTF
      Microsoft’s Rich Text Format, readable by virtually every word processor. An ideal input format for Microsoft Office. PDF Pro 2 can embed all document images in a single RTF file.
      When exporting to RTF with Retain Layout, you may encounter difficulties if your original document’s page size is larger then 55cm (width or height). Some versions of Microsoft Word cannot deal with such large page sizes.
    • Simple HTML
      HTML using only a few simple tags. This is readable by all web browsers, but some formatting may not be preserved. Images are linked from the document rather than shown inline.
      A list of document bookmarks will be output at the top of the first page. If Create file for every page/article is active, a cover page, a bookmarks page and individual contents pages will be produced, each hyperlinked together.
      When Try to preserve layout is active, this format inserts spaces making use of the <PRE> tag in HTML to force the browser to honour every space character.
    • HTML 3.2
      More complex HTML allowing for a wider range of styling. Inline images are used. Meta tags are added to the document using the creator, author and title information stored in the PDF. Different character sizes are rendered using the tags <H1>, <H2>, etc.
      If Create file for every page/article is active, a bookmarks page (if bookmark output is enabled) and several data pages will be output. When frames are enabled, the index page uses frames to show the bookmarks on the left while viewing each page on the right.
      When Try to preserve layout is active, this format uses a complex HTML table for each page. Font sizes in layout mode are selected using the FONT SIZE+/- technique rather than <H1>, <H2>, etc. since this gives better results.
    • HTML 4
      Like HTML 3, but CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) tags are used to render fonts and sizes. This is compatible with most modern web browsers.
      If Create file for every page/article is active, a separate file is output containing all of the CSS style elements used by the rest of the output pages. Edit this style sheet file to quickly alter the look of the rest of the document.
      When Try to preserve layout is active, this format uses a complex HTML table in the same way as HTML 3.2. However, fonts and sizes still use CSS1 markup for better results.
    • HTML 4 CSS
      Using HTML with Cascading Style Sheets (v2) provides the most accurate depiction of PDF content for the web. When preserving layout, all fonts and positioning are closely replicated.
      When Try to preserve layout is active, a separate CSS file is produced which describes the styles of all fonts used. Edit this CSS style sheet if any adjustments need to be made to the look of the converted document.
    • ePub (only PDF Pro 2 Standard, PDF Pro 2 Professional)
      Exports a single .epub file with no digital rights management, with or without images using basic formatting.
    • ePub CSS (only PDF Pro 2 Standard, PDF Pro 2 Professional)
      Similar to ePub except that the formatting is specified in a separate .css file held inside the ePub package.
  • Right-to-left reading order
    When enabled, PDF Pro 2 assumes the contents of the PDF are to be read right-to-left (as is the case in Hebrew). It attempts to replicate this reading order in the output produced.