Press the Format button when exporting PDF content and switch to the HTML tab.

This tab contains options for tailoring the way PDF Pro 2 produces HTML output.


This group of options allows a background colour or image to be specified for each page output in HTML.

  • Colour
    Whatever is entered in the Colour: box is included in the <COLOR> attribute of the <BODY> tag of each page output. Colour could be a word such as yellow or a colour definition such as #FFFFFF.
  • Image:
    Used to enter a file name of a image. This name is placed into the BACKGROUND attribute of the <BODY> tag for each page. Be careful about the name entered here, since it will be included exactly as typed.
    The image name need not refer to an actual image on your hard disc but may for example, refer to an image which is or will be stored on the computer used to host the web pages once they are complete.

Header and footer files

The header and footer file boxes are used to specify files on disc whose contents will be merged into each page of HTML output by PDF Pro 2. For example, you may wish to add your company’s own corporate graphics to the top and bottom of each page output.

The contents of the header file will be output just after the <BODY> tag of a page but before any extracted text or images. Similarly, the contents of the footer file are output just before the closing </BODY> tag of each page.

You cannot type into the text boxes directly, so instead use the browse buttons Browse tool icon to select existing files.

Page / Article Navigation

When PDF Pro 2 is processing in File-per-Page mode as set in the Text settings tab, each page of a document is stored in a new file and navigation links to the previous, first and next pages are placed on each page for convenience.

The controls in this group allow the appearance of these navigation links to be changed. Whatever is entered into either of the Previous, First or Next boxes will be output instead of the words Previous, First and Next.

This facility may be useful when converting documents for a non-English speaking audience or if navigation images are required rather than text.


  • Image Border
    When enabled, images will have a border around them generated using the border attribute of the HTML <IMG> tag
  • Frames
    This setting only takes effect when bookmark output is enabled in the Text tab.
    When enabled, PDF Pro 2 creates a two-frame frameset definition which places the bookmarks frame on the left hand side of the screen and the extracted content on the right hand side. Clicking on a bookmark changes the page in the right hand side.