Access this pane from File > Preferences on the Spelling tab.

  • Language
    This specifies the language to use for spell-checking and hyphenation.
    It is important that this setting always matches the language in your PDF document. If it does not, the spell checker will be ineffective and the reflow of your text will not work correctly.
     PDF Pro 2 ships with only UK and U.S. English language spelling dictionaries but does include all hyphenation dictionaries. If you choose a non-English language, PDF Pro 2 will ask you if you wish to download the dictionary.
    These installers are prepared by third parties and install the spelling data required by the ASpell system used by PDF Pro 2. If you have access to more up-to-date spelling dictionaries, then these can be used instead.
  • Ignore words in UPPERCASE
    Instructs the spell-checker system to skip words consisting of all-uppercase letters.
  • Ignore words with numbers
    Instructs the spell-checker system to skip words that contain numbers such as “HT4”.
  • Hyphenate words
    To better fit text within their text boxes, PDF Pro 2 will hyphenate certain words according to language-specific hyphenation rules. This is mainly used on fully-justified paragraphs but can also affect normally justified text. Disabling this feature will have a document-wide effect.
    To disable hyphenation on a per-paragraph basis, press the right-mouse button when editing the paragraph and choose Disable hyphenation.
  • User Interface language
     PDF Pro 2 is available in a number of different languages. If this drop-down menu does not list the language you require, please re-install the software. During installation, you will be prompted to choose the user interface language to be installed.
    If you do not have a copy of the installer, please download the latest version of PDF Pro 2 from Ashampoo’s web site.

English Spelling Dictionaries

English UK and US are always included when PDF Pro 2 installs.

If you cannot select either of these languages without PDF Pro 2 prompting you to download the dictionary, you will have to re-install PDF Pro 2.