PDF Pro 2 remembers the font substitutions made during CAT import and uses them for subsequent imports. You can view, edit, export and load the complete set of substitutions.

  1. Choose Translate > Font Substitutions or press Fonts in the Import Translation dialog box.
  2. The Font Substitutions dialog displays all the current font substitutions.
    These will apply to any document and not just the last one on which an import was performed.
  3. To change an existing substitution, select it in the list.
    The details of the selected entry are then displayed in the two pop-up menus below the list.
  4. Choose a different Original Font or Replacement Font and then press Change to store the new settings back in the list above.
  5. Load and Save enable you to save a permanent copy of the font substitutions to disc for use later.
    The plain text format file can be edited by hand and passed onto others that may need the same set of substitutions.
    Is is useful to save the current set after working on a document so that it can be loaded prior to the next time you need work with the import function.