Dropping a single PDF

When you drag and drop a single PDF onto an open PDF document, you can:

  • Open the file, closing the current document.
  • Open the file in a new window, leaving the currently open document as it is.
  • Insert pages from the PDF into the current document
  • Place a page from the PDF onto a page in the current document
  • Do a side-by-side comparison of both PDFs, but only if they have the same number of pages

Dropping multiple files

When you drag and drop multiple files onto the program window of PDF Pro 2, you can:

  • Join the files into a single PDF, if the files are all PDFs.
  • Create a new portfolio document which is a single PDF containing other files (not just PDFs) inside it.
  • Place images on the current page – if the files are all images.
  • Create a new photo album with one image per page, if the files being dropped are all images and there is no document currently open in PDF Pro 2.
  • Do a side-by-side comparison, but only if you drop two PDFs with the same number of pages and there is no document currently open in PDF Pro 2.