When you press the Add button during spell check, PDF Pro 2 records the word you are adding in a custom dictionary file.

If you add a word by mistake you can edit the custom dictionary by hand using any standard text editor (such as Notepad).

If you already have a custom dictionary you want PDF Pro 2 to use, you can add its contents to PDF Pro 2’s existing dictionary using a text editor.

Locating the custom dictionary

All of the custom dictionary files for each language are stored in the same folder. A *.pws file is only created if you have added words during a spell check,.

On Windows XP, the default installation path would be:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Aspell\personal

On Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10:




Format of custom dictionary

The *.pws dictionary files are simple lists of words, each on a new line. An example is shown below:

personal_ws-1.1 es 7








The number at the end of the first line is the count of words in the list. The language code is prior to that – in this case β€˜es’ for Spanish.

Changes to the custom dictionary will take effect the next time PDF Pro 2 is launched.